Tuesday, 17 November 2015

SAP-Central CCMS alert configuration from Solman

CCMS alert can be configured within an ABAP system for own system monitoring, but for effective monitoring of all systems in a customer landscape, SAP recommends to use solution manager as a parent system to monitor and report alerts to the customer.

Perform the Steps in Solution Manager System

Activating Background and Central System Dispatching

For all data collection methods in the monitoring architecture to be correctly started, Background dispatching needs to be activated. It starts all data collection methods that are executed periodically in the background process (as jobs). To execute an auto-reaction in CEN for alerts from remote systems, central system dispatching needs to be activated. Activate background dispatching in CEN and in all monitored ABAP systems in client 000.

1. Call transaction RZ21. The Monitoring: Properties and Methods screen appears.

2. Choose Technical Infrastructure ->Local Method Execution ->Activate Background Dispatching.
Background dispatching is performed by the job SAP_CCMS_MONI_BATCH_DP, which runs once an hour. Note that not only this job, but also the data collection methods started by this job, run under your user name. You should therefore ensure that your user has the authorizations required for this.

Activate central system dispatching in CEN:

1. Call transaction RZ21. The Monitoring: Properties and Methods screen appears.

2. Choose Technical Infrastructure -> Configure Central System ->Activate Central System Dispatching.

Central system dispatching is performed by the job SAP_CCMS_CENSYS_DISPATCHER.

Creating the CSMREG User

Check if the CSMREG user is created in the central monitoring system. If not, perform the following steps.
v  In central monitoring system, call the transaction RZ21 and choose Technical Infrastructure > Configure Central System > Create CSMREG User.
v  Enter the login credentials for this user (Password).

Creating the CSMCONF Start File for CCMS Agent

      In the central monitoring system, generate the connection data in a CSMCONF file.

To generate this data, perform the following steps:
v  In the central monitoring system, call the transaction RZ21 and choose Technical Infrastructure > Configure Central System > Create CSMCONF Start File for Agents.
                             v  Save the file in a central location.

Manage the Monitored system host and port Entries in /etc/services and /etc/hosts on Solution Manager System.

Sapms<SID> 36<Instance Number>/tcp

Enter Monitored ABAP Systems in CEN

To monitor remote ABAP systems in CEN, create a corresponding entry in the alert monitor.

1. In CEN, call transaction RZ21.

2. Choose Technical Infrastructure -> Configure Central System -> Create Remote Monitoring Entry.

3. The Add Component to Monitoring screen appears. Choose the system connection type ABAP/JAVA/Dual Stack as the component type to be monitored.

4. Choose Configuration ->Expert Mode, and in the group box Tasks to Be Executed, choose the Create Only RFC Connection to System radio button.

5. In the Monitored System group box, specify the connection data for the ABAP system that you want to monitor centrally.

 6. Two RFC destinations are automatically created. To check these connections, choose the button (Test). If errors occur, check the connection data entered above.

7. Save your entries and enter all other ABAP systems to be monitored in the same way.

Scheduling Jobs to Display Statistics Data

To display statistics data for remote systems in CEN, you require the jobs


Perform the Steps in Monitored systems

Registering a CCMS Agent SAPCCM4X in Monitored systems.

v Download the latest SAPCCM4x agent from market place if required and extract to your kernel dir.

vLog on to the host of the ABAP instance as <SID>adm, to ensure that the agent can access the shared memory.

As user <Sid>adm create directory /usr/sap/<SID>/<instance_name>/log/sapccm4x
Ex:                         su – <SID>adm
Cd   /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS00/log/
mkdir sapccm4x
  v  Copy the CSMCONF start file to the working directory of SAPCCM4X. This is in the following          location:

UNIX: /usr/sap/<SysID>/<inst.dir.>/log/sapccm4x(ex: /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS00/log/sapccm4x)

MS Windows: [drive]:\usr\sap\<SID>\<inst.dir.>\log\sapccm4x

Go to the sapccm4x file location. i.e. /sapmnt/<SID>/exe (Kernel Location) and run the below command.
sapccm4x -R pf=<Instance Profile>
sapccm4x -R pf=/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile/<SID>_DVEBMGS00_<HOSTNAME>

Choose additional Central system “No”

Check all details are correct. Here Host name is not identified with Domain Name. So, removed the domain name and enter only host name.

Enter password for <satillite_user> ID and continue.

Enter the password of CSMREG User and start the Agent.

  v  If you are facing any shared memory issues while starting the agent, use below commands to start the agent.

sapccm4x -initshm pf=/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile/ <SID>_DVEBMGS00_<Hostname> (initshm option to clean stop and active flags from CCMS monitoring segment)

            sapccm4x -DCCMS pf=/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile/<SID>_DVEBMGS00_<Hostname>

Perform the Steps in Solution Manager:

Checking the Agent Registration (Recommended)

  v   To check whether the agent was successfully registered with CEN, call transaction RZ21 in CEN,        select the radio button Agents for Remote Systems, and choose the Display Overview button. The      agent that you have just registered appears in the list in the row SAPCCM4X.<host name>.<inst.        no.>.

Add Monitored systems in Solution Manager.

Tcode RZ20 Extras - > Activate maintenance function 

v  Select CCMS Motoring sets and click on create 

Enter the Monitor set name like above and click on Continue.

Choose monitor set “<....>_<......> Systems” and click on “create”

v  Select the required entries that are need for monitoring and click on Activate .

Enter the Name of the Monitor and click on Continue. 

EDIT -> Nodes (MTE) -> Assign Methods -> Central Auto Reaction 

Auto-reaction method is not defined here.

Create Auto Reaction Method.

v  Click on Create

v  Create Auto reaction method with template of “CCMS_OnAlert_Email .

    v  Create Auto reaction method with template of “CCMS_OnAlert_Email” to                                             ZCCMS_OnAlert_Email_NONPROD.

    v  Do below changes in custom method ZCCMS_OnAlert_Email_NONPROD.

    v  In the “Control” tab Select – Only in Central system, triggered by CCMS Agents.

    v  Do not check Execute method immediately under startup method.

    v  In Parameters tab enter the details of SENDER, RECIPIENT, SUBJECT_ALERT,                              SUBJECT_ALERT_CONT, etc…
         SENDER - Sender needs to be a user ID present in client 000. ID should be mentioned all in CAPS.

Note – For Info - Recipient could be internet email address as above (or) could be a shared distribution group in Business Workplace- SBWP in client 000.

    v  Choose option “Auto-reaction Method” in Release tab.

    v  Click on Save.

    v  Assign Central Auto reaction method for Monitor systems like below.

Select the system->choose MTE Class & Auto reaction method->Click on “Assign Central Auto-Reaction

Choose option “Immediately after each assignment” and click on “Continue”.

Assignments are defined like above.

    v  Follow the same Steps for remaining systems to add into Solution Manager.

 SCOT Configuration

    v  Configure SCOT and schedule job for sending mail in Client 000. 

Define the SAPCONNECT job.

Goto Scot-> choose menu Settings and click on “Send Jobs”.

Click on Schedule job and enter the details like below and continue.

    v  Make sure default domain is mentioned under settings for SCOT else mail will not generate.

Make check box active for – SAP Connect does not except receipt confirm for internet mail. This will not ask for return receipts.

    v  Check if Mails are getting generated in SOST and finally in Mail box.

